Tackling AI, Data Science and Inventory Management Challenges with Ieke Le Blanc

29. Dezember 2024

Ieke Le Blanc Visits Supply Chain College

Welcome back to another insightful episode of Supply Chain College! This week, we were thrilled to have Ieke Le Blanc, a partner at EyeOn and a program director at the Eindhoven AI and Systems Institute, join us. The conversation delved into practical and detailed aspects of supply chain management, artificial intelligence (AI), and professional growth.


The Shapers vs. Makers Concept

Most of the discussion revolved around the ‘Shapers vs. Makers’ concept. Ieke illustrated the idea of "Shapers" as companies that innovate by combining existing components to create new functionalities. On the other hand, "Makers" develop AI models specific to their operations, requiring considerable investment and generally finding relevance in industries like government or defense. Ieke suggested that companies employ a balanced strategy - adopting existing technologies for efficiency or innovating for strategic differentiation, depending on their unique contexts.

Challenges for SMEs in AI

Martin mentioned the disparities in AI adoption between large multinationals and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs). While the big players have invested heavily in data science for years, SMEs often don’t have the same resources. Ieke added that larger ERP/APS vendors are still catching up with the innovative functionalities offered by smaller, more agile companies, though stability remains a priority for the big vendors.

Inventory Management and Resilience

On the topic of inventory management, Ieke offered valuable insights. He emphasized understanding the composition of inventory in terms of form and function rather than narrowly focusing on safety stock calculations. The conversation also explored the necessity of resilient inventory as a broader strategy, one that requires managerial decisions to maintain strategic purposes and prevent obsolescence.

Effective AI Communication

Ieke highlighted an essential but often overlooked aspect: effective communication of technological capabilities. He observed that some companies excel more in this area, creating a perceived value among executives that might not always translate to novel solutions. As supply chain professionals, the ability to communicate and demonstrate the value of AI and technological initiatives is crucial for driving adoption and support.

People Management and Data Science

This episode also tackled the intersection of data science and people management. Martin raised concerns about stereotypes in data science roles conflicting with traditional people management. Ieke suggested that new talents in the field should ideally blend skills in both areas, fostering an environment where technical expertise and people skills coexist.

Democratizing Data Science

A future-oriented discussion pointed to the democratization of data science. Ieke noted that the level of mathematical expertise required in data science is diminishing thanks to open-source resources and more intuitive tools. This trend allows those with strong business acumen to leverage data science for transformational insights.

Practical Programming for Business Innovation

Programming emerged as a thread connecting many topics. Ieke advocated for learning programming not just for its own sake but as a means to foster innovation within businesses. Platforms like low-code environments and tools like GPT can assist business professionals in paving the way for pioneering applications and driving forward competitive edges.

Link to Iekes LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iekeleblanc/

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